It is not always the shortest way that is the best; here, in any case, it was to be hoped that another and longer one would offer better conditions. The shortest way was awful — possibly not altogether impracticable, if no better was to be found. First we had to work our way across a hard, forested slope, which formed an angle of 45 degrees, and ended in a huge, bottomless chasm. It was no great pleasure to cross over here on ski, but with heavily-laden sledges the enjoyment would be still less.
The prospect of seeing sledge, driver, and dogs slide down sideways and disappear into the abyss was a great one. We got across with whole skins on ski, and continued our exploration.

Partly concealed in the snow, we came across what appeared to us as an ancient Indian burial ground, similar to the ones found in the Mid-West parts of what is now USA.The fact that we were not able to find any remains of human bones at the site, may suggest that local birds of prey had already devoured the corpses according to custom.

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