The island
Jomfruland (Virgin Land) stretches 7.5 kilometers long and shelters the small coastal town Kragerø from the rough Skagerak ocean. Prehistoric remains on the island suggests that it has been occupied since 1800 BC. Whereas archaeologists have surveyed the island rather extensively, little is known about potential kid huts in the area. Our expedition uncovered traces of a construction in an Ash tree close to the famous lighthouses on the island.

Although it has been established that the Ash on Jomfruland is
not the largest Ash in the North, locals on the island continue to claim it is. As a result, the tree is frequently visited by children climbing and playing in the Ash, as indicated in the photo below which was found on the

The tree measures 5.2 meters around the trunk. In the surrounding soil many potsherds were found, indicating domestic activities in the proximity. However, it is unclear whether the potsherds have actually been used in connection with past constructions in the tree proper. Indeed, little but a few spikes, boards, engravings and a small ladder remains of past constructions in the tree today. The engravings in the hard wood seem to consist of first names and give little further information about the persons who have visited the site.

An interesting and important feature of this particular tree is that at a certain point the trunk divides into several large branches, making room for a small oval space about 1x1 meters in which it is possible to play, rest or even sleep, as members of the expedition conveniently discovered. Thus, the so-called Largest Ash in the North is actually a kid hut in itself.
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