Two small sites were accidentally discovered during a recent routine excursion to Skibberheia at Hisøya in Arendal. Although not remarkable in themselves, the sites are of theoretical interest since they show evidence of not merely being abandoned, but also abandoned before completion. Furthermore, the sites seem to have been constructed
for the sake of construction, rather than having a specific secondary purpose.
Locality 06 simply consisted of two horizontal, once yellow but rather weather-worn planks attached to a slender pine tree by nails. Strangely, they were found approximately 2,6 metres up, with no visible clues as to how the builders were able to reach that height.
Locality 07 was somewhat more complex, consisting of several planks and two-by-fours, rope and nail, attached to a standard electricity pole. However, the structure was obviously incomplete by any standards.

Found within an area primarily, and rather densely, inhabited by seniors, it may be argued that the young builders of these two possibly related sites have engaged in an appropriation of their environment, finding the endeavor satisfactory in itself, and consequently abandoning the project before completion. An alternative hypothesis may be that the builders were unable to complete the projects. The sites may in fact be part of a complex nomadic pattern of relocation in which the builders spend part of their time with elder family members at certain intervals of the year.
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