We departed from Fjellveien, a traffic less dirt road ending in Sandviken, approximately 200 metres to the south of the location of an old power plant . A steep foot path led into the forested mountain which eventually towers above Sandviken, rising to 313 meters above sea level. The old stoned stairway known as
Stoltzekleiven is found nearby; reportedly counting more than 800 steps. This monumental work is said to have been completed by unemployed youth after the second world war, improving the conditions of the existing foot path which may date much further bak in time. However, the present expedition explored regions somewhat lower and more southernly in the terrain.
The steep foot path proved difficult to traverse and tended to disappear altogether in certain parts. At some point we stumbled upon an old park bench which mysteriously had been dragged all the way up the hillside, necessitating transport across considerable distances. Needless to say, the laborers must have been quite fit because at this point we were presperating considerably, and the park bench proved a welcomed discovery.
After climbing for around an hour, we came across a small plateau which gave space to a cluster of trees of an unknown type. Apparently, all trees in this areas originate from abroad. Large-scale planting of trees occurred around two hundred years ago, establishing a somewhat forested landscape in lower parts of the mountains. However, the most surprising discovery was that an abandoned kid hut had been constructed at the site, being supported by five tall and sturdy trees and protected from a natural stone wall toward east, facing upwards. The discovery of a large tree plate in almost fosforent green on the northwest wall was something of a mystery to us, as we immediately recognized it from its' previous location much further north within the same area.

The hut, which may indeed have been originally conceived as a tower, consisted of five walls, one of which was left open to enable some sort of entrance. A small tree ladder led up to a small roof terrace with a splendid view of the surrounding area. Some of the trees contained undecipherable knife-engravings, mostly consisting of initials and symbols which we believe must date much further back. Lowering to enter the hut, we could discern nothing but two small plastic bread baskets inside, and later surveys revealed no more artefacts. It was as if the builders of the site had had plenty of time to remove all evidence of activity. A concealed path 200 meters north led to another locality which may have replaced the current site at some point. We are left to speculate about the reasons for the relocation and the intentions of the builders of the site.